You are never too old for orthodontic treatment. Beautiful and straight teeth are possible at any age.
Changes in a tooth’s position or strong wear of individual teeth due to a bad position increase at the adult age and are very often noticeable. Sometimes a dentist notices a bad position and, because of this, prosthetic work or an implant is planned. This makes orthodontic pre-treatment necessary.
A perfect smile is possible by perfectly integrating the orthodontic treatment into a total dental treatment.
We would be delighted to advise you of the possibilities of treatment. You can arrange a non-binding consultation date by telephone at or contact us using the online form.
We will be happy to answer these questions for you. Arrange a non-binding consultation appointment at one of our practices. We look forward to meeting you.
*Focus Top-Mediziner Auszeichnung zum zehnten Mal für den ADENTICS Kieferorthopäden Dr. Ralf Müller-Hartwich. Kieferorthopäde Dr. Woo-Ttum Bittner zum zweiten Mal.
Jameda Note ADENTICS Berlin - Mitte Leipziger Platz 7